flagk:是冀教版三起五年级英语上册Lesson10 The UK

the U.K.英国

① I know about the U.K. 我知道英国。

单词词组:the U.K.英国

② Do you know the capital city of the U.K.?你知道英国的首都城市吗?

→Yes,I know. It's London. 是的我知道。是伦敦。


The capital city of the U.K. is London.英国的首都城市是伦敦。

③ They speak English in the U.K.在英国人们讲英语。

④ The flag of the U.K. is red, white and blue. 英国的国旗是红色,白色和蓝色相间的。

⑤ Big Ben is very famous,It has a very big clock.大本钟是非常著名的,它有一个非常大的钟表。 单词词组:big大的 clock钟表

⑥ The U.K. has a king or a queen. Kings and queens live in palaces.


单词词组:king国王 queen女王

⑦ Buckingham Palace is in London. It’s very famous.
